Who we are: Now in our 20 year, students age 6-12 years old will learn to sew real and wearable clothing using a sewing machine, illustrate fashion, learn all about design, and have ablast with up to 8 other fashion forward kids in our San Jose Studio.
To keep young minds engaged, each camp day will feature unique design and fashion lessons including the highlight of the day; sewing. During sewing class, fashion campers learn to use a sewing machine (complete with finger guards and speed control!) plus layout a pattern, measure and cut fabric. By the end of the week, campers will have created garments or accessories that they can take home and wear!
Plus, we go beyond the sewing machine with a big-picture introduction to fashion. Campers learn sewing skills along with illustration, merchandising, fashion history, the business of fashion, entrepreneurship, and some DIY! All lessons are age appropriate, easy to understand and hands on.
Our specialized curriculumis designed around what works best for kids, including:
Limited Class Size “Boutique” limited camp sizes of 8 students ensure every kid gets the attention they deserve.
Exceptional Teachers Our teachers combine real-world experience with specialized training and bring kindness and empathy along with energy and enthusiasm to the classroom.
Safety First Covered blades on fabric scissors along with finger guards and speed control on all sewing machines ensure little hands are safe!
Zibo Wang, an Academy of Art University of Design Master Grad, and a fashion designer.
Growing up in Beijing, Zibo always had a love of fashion and creating with her own two hands. She made her first clothing out of fabric scraps and a glue gun before her mother tought her to sew.
After going on to an education at Academy of Art University, she launched her own women's line, featured in YOHO magazine, and worked in various areas of women's fashion brand
Today,Zibo creates lesssons and projects for the fashion class with the same energy and enthusiams from her very first class as a teacher.
Committed to helping every child explore the funest reaches of their imagination, Zibo designs every element of the fashion class to be educational, effective, and, above all, fun!