24’ MorningLight
Chess Tournament
ML Chess Tournament
1. Tournament Details
Date: June 8th, 2024, Saturday
Time: 10:00 AM - 1:30 PM
Venue: 4075 Evergreen Village Square, # 220 San Jose, CA 95135
Rounds: 3 Rounds
Time Control: Each game will be 20 minutes for each player, with each round reaching a max time limit of 40 minutes.
2. Tournament Schedule
Pre-Tournament Prep: We will give a short chess lesson before the tournament and explain all the tournament rules and procedures to participants (45 minutes).
Round Timings:
Round 1 (40 minutes)
Round 2 (40 minutes)
Lunch Break and Bathroom Break (20 minutes )
Round 3 (40 minutes)
Closing Ceremony: Prize Distribution (30 minutes) and pictures.
3. Prizes
First Place: Trophy
Second Place: Trophy
Third Place: Trophy
The rest of participants will get certificates for encouragement
4. Registration Fee
Public students: $30
MorningLight students: $25
AK chess students: $20